
After being told I could never have kids against all odds, my partner and I went for IVF and unexpectedly fell pregnant on the 2nd round. We were so happy that our dreams had come true. Our beautiful boy struggled all the way through with his...

In October 2012, after a miscarriage which I had six months prior, I found out that I was pregnant. After 12 weeks, I was back and forth to hospital with on-and-off bleeding and was put on antibiotics for infections. However, the baby looked healthy and...

Freddie was born at 24 weeks gestation, and he even cried at birth. He was thriving but at 15-days-old Freddie was diagnosed with Necrotizing Enterocolitis. The consultant who operated on Freddie’s bowel said that he’d had this for about a week before it had been...

I had a miscarriage in 2015 and had a successful pregnancy in 2017, giving birth to my son. In early 2020, we decided to try for a sibling for our son. In February, we found out we were pregnant, however, in March I found out from...

In December 2018 on Christmas Eve, I was admitted to my local hospital due to heavy bleeding following a series of complications. I had a 4-week hospital stay of intense and life-saving treatment and I went into preterm labour due to a placental abruption caused...

Before the COVID-19 lockdown had started I found out I was pregnant with my second baby. I was feeling very tired, kept fainting and had bleeding which appeared like a period so I was referred to the early pregnancy unit for a scan. I was...

Ophelia was twin two of identical twins. We realised very early on in our pregnancy that we were going to have a very hard pregnancy. We were diagnosed at 12-weeks with TTTTs (twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome) with Ophelia being the donor. With appointments at Kings alongside our...

I work at the Window to the Womb Obstetric and Diagnostic clinic and at 18 weeks and three days on the 9th February we went for a gender scan. I laid in the room I have worked in countless times and was scanned by a...

My husband and I were so excited to be expecting our first child this year. After almost a year of trying to conceive, we finally got our dream. It was at our 20-week scan that the sonographer gave us the devastating news that she could only...

We struggled to start a family suffering a miscarriage after our first attempt and a further three ectopic pregnancies which resulted in three lots of emergency surgery and the removal of both fallopian tubes. After all the trauma we had a successful round of IVF and we...