Author: Becki Sendell

July 26th 1974, at 27 weeks pregnant I gave birth to baby girl. The nurse pulled 2 blue paper towels from a roll, wrapped my baby in one and placenta in the other and left the room with both. Then I was taken to the ward...

I received a phone call from my girlfriend at the time to say she had started to bleed. When we first visited the hospital for a check up we were told that everything looked ok. It was until the scan the next day where it revealed...

The hardest thing is knowing that Aria was only 4 weeks away from being acknowledged of her mark on this world, being 20 weeks gestation. We had no birth & death certificate and ‘abortion’ was put on my records, instead of TFMR. I always say she...

I am currently recovering from post haemorrhagic anaemia from a miscarriage. I had nurtured and nourished this bean, and yes, even given my baby a name. I am planting an autumn flowering ceanothus in memory of Yolanda. I need to grieve, and whatever the reason for a...

Jack was my 4th child. My pregnancy with Jack was trouble free and at 39 weeks I went into labour. Labour did not progress and I was discharged, but 5 days later I woke and 'felt different'. My baby belly felt 'firmer' and had risen up...

I'm 22 and have recently lost my first baby to a late miscarriage. My pregnancy was going well, there were no known complications detected at my 12 week scan, and I was having a low-risk pregnancy.At 17 weeks and 5 days, I began to experience...

Friday 31st May 2019 at 20 weeks and 3 days I gave birth to the most beautiful sleeping baby boy. I will never forget those words the midwife said to me when she told me my baby no longer had a heart beat. Our exciting faces...

I had my first baby, she was born healthy and we were over the moon. We then fell pregnant about a year later - that’s when I was told I had Chronic histiocytic Intervillositis (CHI), and our little boy was born sleeping at 25 weeks;...

Our angel Jacob is our loved and cherished firstborn baby. He was stillborn at 31 weeks due to COVID, which had infected my placenta and blocked blood flow to him. The day after I finished isolating, I noticed reduced movements, so we went to hospital....

My beautiful daughter died in 2014 at Great Ormond Street Hospital from a rare heart condition. She was 89 days old. Since her death my life has changed irrevocably and the stepping stones taken in a daily basis are always done with her beside me. The pain doesn’t...